If you take care of your Jeep, your Jeep will take care of you

If you take care of your Jeep, your Jeep will take care of you

 ·  January 3, 2019

“I bought a Jeep!”

It’s not just an Australian idiom; it’s a common choice for vehicle enthusiasts looking for a vehicle that takes them both on and off-road. Having been a crowd-favourite for decades, the Jeep is the tough market player that just keeps giving. But if you fail to look after it, the cost of maintenance, repair and cosmetic fix-ups can add up.

So, if you’re new Jeep owner, ditch the need to rake up unnecessary fees but following these simple maintenance tips.

Abide by your maintenance schedule: If you’re the kind of person that will let your servicing slide a little too long, this is the time to pull yourself back on track and create new, productive habits. Keep to your scheduled maintenance by taking your Jeep to an authorised dealer or mechanic. Allowing for regular servicing means you can extend the life of the vehicle, improve fuel mileage and maintain its value for longer.

Keep the exterior in check: Heading out for a good old 4x4 session is all well and good, but it’s essential to treat the vehicle upon your return. That means a thorough cleaning to get of excess mud (which can result in corrosion and add unnecessary weight) and power wash all dirt from underneath the vehicle. Finish it all off with a nice coat of wax for extra preservation.

What’s on the inside counts: It looks great on the outside, yes, but how’s the interior looking? No matter how hard you try to avoid it, dust and dirt will always get into your Jeep, but you can eliminate them by applying your cleaning thumb. Vacuum all areas frequently, and add further protection with slush mats to protect the flooring on your next adventure. Add seat covers to keep mud away and to avoid extra wear and tear.

Care for your soft top: If your Jeep has a soft top roof, care for it by applying protectant (a quality or authentic one) every 30 to 90 days. Make sure you apply to the entire area, and to keep the zippers in working order, add a bit of oil during your maintenance.

Clean your headlights: They sometimes go unnoticed but lights always need a good clean now and then, and the Jeep is no exception. Gently scrub them by using a glass cleaner, and you’ll thank yourself the next time you hit the road at night.

Replace worn or damaged parts: It’s an obvious one, but if parts of your Jeep are looking like they’ve seen better days, replace them as soon as you can. Whether from a local wrecker (like us) or a dealer, ensure you’re keeping on top of your parts maintenance by assessing all features and checking their working order frequently.

Swap out windscreen wipers: This is a blanket rule for all vehicles, but if you’re looking to keep your windscreen scratch-free and tidy, make sure you frequently replace windscreen wipers that are well overdue for retirement, before they cause any damage.

Keep an eye on scratches: If the body of your Jeep has a few scratches here and there, it’s sometimes worth having them resprayed or fixed by an approved body shop, to prevent rust from appearing.

What are your top tips for keeping your Jeep in good working order?

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